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1997 - 94m.
USA-New Zealand

Pamela Gidley (who's nice to look at but has a suspect film "resume") heads out to a remote cabin only to have to hook up with somewhat bumbling field biologist Simon Bossell (who seems to be mostly in this for comic relief) to take on some toothy mutated lizards with a taste for blood that have started to take over her cabin. Plus there's a new "wrinkle" in the final third of the film as her ex-business "associate" shows-up to try and get back the money she apparently stole.

Watchable stuff is completely mindless with characters sometimes doing really stupid things (like when Gidley's blows up a neighbours cabin and when Bossell's is surrounded by lizards and shoots a gas can propped in an oven and sets himself on fire by accident) but is directed well enough, has okay quick cuts of gore and the creatures (who are a bit rubbery looking but generally fine) and plays agreeably enough.

There's a decent "mouth pop" moment here also although sometimes it seems the movie sports almost too much jokey dialogue, there's a fairly dumb finale set in the general store and there seems to be one "story conclusion" too many. Don't expect much and you'll be fine.

Directed By: Tim Boxell.
Written By: Scott Lew, Darrin Oura.

Starring: Pamela Gidley, Simon Bossell, Valery Nikolaev, Helen Moulder.