Thirty years after stepping away from the director's chair (1972's The Gore Gore Girls was his last film), Herschell Gordon Lewis returns to do a sequel to his most notorious film - and the film that's been credited with bringing on-screen gore to new levels.
While I admit to not loving Lewis' films, I've always been able to pick-up on his tongue-in-cheek sensibilities and lack of seriousness despite all the blood spilling and gore; this sequel is no different as it's a movie in the total "style" of Lewis (you know his style: deadpan humour, outrageous gore and a dopey plot) brought to modern day sensibilities. Certainly Lewis can get away with a lot more these days, and he takes full advantage.
J.P. De La Houssave (talk about a stage name!) plays the grandson of Faud Ramses (the killer in the original film) who decides to re-open the catering business after inherting the old shop only for him to go on a murderous, organ-ripping killing spree when the statue of the Babylon-ian Goddess "Ishtar" possesses him. From the bizarre pre-credits scene that has two homeless men finding a dead cat in a garbage can before ripping their intestines out and one stabbing the other in the neck with a broken bottle for no apparent reason; we know what we're in for.
The only difference is that even if you didn't care for his older films - you'll probably find this one to be a blast! There's lots of over-the-top humour, lingering gore shots from well known indie effects man Joe Castro (some of them quite sick, such as the "brain" moment), great hammy performances by the entire cast (I absolutely love De la Houssave's manic turn as our killer caterer) and lots of witty lines and dialogue "play" - Heck, it even has a drawn out "lingerie party" thrown in!
If you're a fan of the "Godfather Of Gore" then chances are you'll love this movie; but even if you're, like me, a person who's never really been able to get into his work you'll find a lot to enjoy here too. Just put your brain in check, get on your B-movie drive-in sleaze attitude and enjoy - I certainly did.
Gotta love the running joke that has a dead guy lying on the floor for no apparent reason (and getting ignored by everyone) and the fact that cult director John Waters gets a hilarious cameo as a less than "Holy" priest.
Review based on uncut version.
Directed By: Herschell Gordon Lewis.
Written By: W. Boyd Ford.
Starring: John "Spud" McConnell, Mark McLachlan, Melissa Morgan, Toni Wynne.