A couple of weeks back John of VA contacted me and suggested I do a grab bag about being trapped in the snow. It seems that in his area there was a warning of a snow storm - and here I am lounging in the nice sunshine. But I took his recommendation to heart and we offer up three snow-themed horror flicks; two where people are literally trapped by the white stuff and one where the white stuff actually can kill again and again. The Shining [1980] is an odd bird in the fact that the writer of the novel it's based on (Stephen King) doesn't like the version put on screen. Well, that hasn't stopped plenty of horror fans from embracing this muscular adapatation by British director Stanley Kubrick and starring (in one of his career roles) Jack Nicholson. Nicholson plays a former alcoholic who takes a job at a mountain hotel as caretaker for the off-seaon in hopes it will bring his family closer together and help him to write a book he's been having trouble with. But soon the cabin fever and psychosis sets in and Jackie's soon terrorizing his family, chasing them with axes and yelling out (in the most famous moment) "Heeeerrre's Johnny!". This is one great film, I remember having a hard time writing a review because director Kubrick (who also co-wrote) has put some subtle undertones into the film and despite a few slow stretches it's all worth it because of Nicholson and the eerie mood throughout. The Thing [1982] has a big fan-base. I myself can't count myself among the many fans because I find this John Carpenter film to be a bit dull, loaded with pretty awesome effects and having some good ideas - but just not entertaining me. But I'm in the minority here (I believe it was Roger Ebert, or Leonard Maltin, who also didn't like the film) since a lot count it as Carpenter's best film after Halloween. Kurt Russell stars as one of the workers at an Arctic camp where a alien-like organism gets free and proceeds to take over the bodies of people isolated in the camp. It's a fight against this ever shape-shifting being and trying to figure out who's the creature (done with a neato trick of testing the blood) that makes up the bulk of this slimy, effects laden affair. Apparently the DVD is quite good and I've been considering re-viewing this film to see if my opinon has changed (it's been years since seeing it) - but for you readers out there, recommended just because of it's fan base, notorious grue and the wintery theme. Jack Frost [1996] could be the evil brother of Frosty. A bunch of slasher film hokiness as a serial killer gets melded with snow after an jail van accident and is turned into a killer snowman who can slide under doors, chop up people and even kill a poor old grandma with her tree ornaments. Completely campy, and a total "love it or hate it" type of movie; this is a fun time if you put your brain in check, expect cheesy dialogue and a bunch of wacky deaths. I mean, there's been all sorts of killers in horror movies - it wasn't long before they'd pick a snowman. And there's a sequel to this, though from what I've heard (and seen) it's pretty hard to find it. |