Sixth movie in the series opens with a fairly cool animated "legend of the leprechaun" opening before settling back into mini monster mayhem.
Warwick Davis (who seems to be enjoying himself) is back as the murderous leprechaun and he's back in the "hood" (the setting for the last entry also) as a group of African-American twenty-somethings find his chest of gold and use the "bling bling" to buy all sorts of unnecessary things and have fun. Soon though they'll regret it as our tiny villain sets-out to get his treasure back while killing anyone who gets in the way.
Obviously, like all the movies in the series, you're supposed to take this as tongue-in-cheek but for some reason this works better than all the other films in the set and becomes a fairly entertaining flick (believe me, that was painful to admit considering my dislike for the series in general).
Despite the fact that Davis doesn't show-up for about half-an-hour (and when he does its for bong hits which gives him munchies, much to my amusement) this is a mostly watchable time with enough jokey sequences that work (like the "massage" moment and funny "cellphone" moment) to make-up for the fact that: 1. this is still a Leprechaun movie, and 2. the finale is dumb and there's a totally cheesy "heart rip" scene.
An okay timewaster and probably the best of the set. (Chris Hartley, 7/12/04)
Directed By: Steven Ayromlooi.
Written By: Steven Ayromlooi.
Starring: Warwick Davis, Tangi Miller, Laz Alonso, Page Kennedy.