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1996 - 86m.

Well paced sci-fi/horror from Tempe Entertainment has a slime-like creature crash on Earth only to start possessing and taking over the humans who are unlucky enough to be in the wooded area is landed in. It's the unlikely teaming of some students and drug dealers that have to face off against this otherwordly being.

With a decent set-up and competent direction, this isn't a bad time and is certainly bearable (if unspectacular) and I really liked the comic book inspired titles spread throughout the film; but it suffers from a bit of slowdown in the mid-section and a few so-so action sequences. Sasha Graham is good as a junkie thug as is Tempe regular Tom Hoover as a drug dealer who turns out to be quite a coward.

Director Bookwalter has done better, but this is acceptable fare. Rips off the music to Escape From New York when our heroes load up on guns and head out to kill the alien.

Get it from Tempe Video.

Directed By: J.R. Bookwalter.
Written By: James L. Edwards.

Starring: James L. Edwards, Ariauna Albright, Tom Hoover, Sasha Graham.