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1999 - 78m.

This first production from Full Moon Entertainment's urban off-shoot Alchemy Entertainment (who'd later rename themselves to their current Big City Pictures moniker) has wannabe African-American rapper Kwame (Russell Richardson) resorting to "the killing magic" to take revenge on a corrupt music agent after his grandmother is killed.

The magic we speak of is transferred into the shell of an old fashioned ragdoll that is soon up to all sorts of killing ways taking out not only the baddies but Kwame's fellow bandmates.

Veteran director Ted Nicolaou keeps this one steady and despite an overacted opening, some corny effects and a weak finale this manages to be a fairly watchable low-budget horror film with a side of cheese.

Like Nicolaou's 1992 film Bad Channels this is peppered with musical acts (which here feels more like padding than it did in that film) but there's enough okay doll attacks and Tempe veteran James Black (from 1993's Ozone and billed here as Tarnell Poindexter) stealing the show in an amusing role as a obviously gay thug.

Nothing really special, to be sure, but not overly bad either.

Directed By: Ted Nicoloau.
Written By: Benjamin Carr.

Starring: Russell Richardson, Jennia Watson, Tarnell Pointdexter, Bill Davis.