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1987 - 85m.

One of my "guilty pleasure" slasher flicks from when I was younger this is actually a pretty well crafted effort that opens with an effective pre-credits slaughter of a teen couple goofing off by the old slaughterhouse before telling the tale of Les Bacon (Don Barrett) and his son Buddy (Joe Barton), a 300-plus pound mildly retarded guy who makes pig noises.

Soon Buddy and his big-ass cleaver sets out for revenge on the group of people who are trying to take their land away while knocking-off anyone else who happens to get in the way. Also in the mix are a group of teens who get caught-up in it all when they decide to film a cheesy horror movie at the location.

Highly entertaining stuff this actually tries for more plot than is usual in this type of film, has lots of subtle jokes (most about "meat"), has a killer in Barton (who was actually rather short but made to look bigger) as an imposing killer and also sports some decent "kill scenes". Also gets points for Barrett's over-the-top performance and a finale that starts out a little weak but does get much better (and has a really strikingly shot moment involving Barrett's demise). Plus there's a unhappy ending.


Directed By: Rick Roessler.
Written By: Rick Roessler.

Starring: Sherry Bendorf, Don Barrett, William Houck, Joe Barton.


Picture Ratio: Full Frame.

Picture Quality: There's a smattering of grain throughout and it suffers from so-so clarity during some of the night scenes but it looks alright.

Extras: The first of Program Power's "Lucky 13" series of cult flicks on DVD and they've packed it pretty full. There's a commentary, 5 pointless clips of raw footage, an interview with director Roessler, an interview with executive producer Jerry Encoe, a trailer, teaser trailer, 4 TV spots, a great "no smoking" promo, a few promo shorts that has "Buddy" visiting Washington and Georgetown University, still galleries and other DVD-rom content.